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M.Sc. in Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology

Shahjalal University of Science & Technology

Sylhet, Bangladesh

About Me

I am MD. Ibrahim, a passionate researcher and geneticist dedicated to advancing the fields of cancer research, bioinformatics, and genomics. With a deep-rooted curiosity and a relentless pursuit of knowledge, I've embarked on a journey that encompasses a wide spectrum of expertise and experience.


Academic Excellence
My educational journey led me to Shahjalal University of Science & Technology in Sylhet, Bangladesh, where I pursued a Master's degree in Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology. I achieved an outstanding CGPA of 3.83, demonstrating my commitment to academic excellence. My coursework included advanced topics in medical and pharmaceutical biotechnology, industrial biotechnology, and environmental biotechnology, equipping me with the knowledge and skills to tackle complex challenges.


Cutting-Edge Research
My research has been at the forefront of cancer research, focusing on the detection of key genes in peripheral blood from cancer patients using advanced techniques such as RT-qPCR. I've also delved into bioinformatics and genomics, investigating host-pathogen interactions and contributing to our understanding of diseases like SARS-CoV-2. My work has been published in renowned scientific journals, underlining my commitment to contributing valuable insights to the scientific community.


Technical Proficiency
I possess a diverse skill set that spans molecular techniques, bioinformatics, and cancer informatics. From DNA and RNA extraction to PCR and gene sequencing, I am well-versed in the tools and techniques required for cutting-edge research. Additionally, my proficiency in data analysis, software, and statistical tools enables me to extract meaningful information from complex datasets.


Educator and Mentor
Beyond my research endeavors, I am a dedicated educator, having taught at both the university and college levels. I believe in the power of knowledge sharing and have served as a private tutor, empowering students to excel in subjects ranging from biology and chemistry to content writing. I'm committed to nurturing the next generation of scientists and researchers.


Global Engagement
My commitment to the scientific community extends to my memberships in esteemed organizations, such as the American Society for Microbiology. I'm also an executive member of the Network of Young Biotechnologists of Bangladesh, where I actively contribute to scientific initiatives and discussions.


Multilingual and Culturally Diverse
In addition to my scientific pursuits, I'm a multilingual individual, with proficiency in English, Bengali (my native language), and an ongoing exploration of Turkish. This cultural diversity allows me to engage with a broader global audience.


Future Prospectives
My research interests revolve around cancer biomarker detection, cancer therapeutics development, drug development, precision medicine, molecular neuroscience, neurodegenerative disease therapeutics, and aging-related studies.

I am excited to continue making significant contributions to the world of science, collaborating with fellow researchers, and exploring new horizons in genetics, biotechnology, and beyond. I want to Join me on this exciting journey as we unravel the mysteries of life, one discovery at a time.


Research Interests

I developed my research interest in human diseases such as cancer, immunology, cardiovascular and Neuroscience with computational biology and in vivo mouse model.

Cancer Research

1. Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in cancer genes form cancer patients' blood.


2. Detection of marker genes in peripheral blood of cancer patients by RT-qPCR.

Computational Biology

I have contributed in a Bioinformatics project for SARS-CoV-2:Omicron variant  genomic analysis. Besides this, I learnt basic python, vaccine design, cancer informatics etc.
Now, I am actively learning and working on projects of Bulk RNA-seq data analysis and single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data analysis in leukemia patients. 

Mouse Model

I worked DMBA induced cancerous albino mouse for cervical dislocation and blood collection to help my friend for his thesis work and I find interesting with mouse model to do research.

Molecular Neuroscience

I have interests in molecular neurosciences, specially in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.


Molecular Techniques

           -DNA extraction

           -DNA purification

           -RNA extraction

           -Gene sequencing

           -cDNA Synthesis



           -Gel Electrophoresis

           -Animal cell culture

           -Mouse blood collection

           -Cervical dislocation of mice 


          -Single cell RNA sequencing

          -Multiple sequence alignment


          -Phylogenetic Tree

          -Homology Modeling

          -PCR Primer Design


Cancer informatics

Python (Basic)

GraphPad Prism


Microsoft office 365

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-Awarded 2nd Runner up position _ BABG MS thesis Competition

-Awarded Distinction (MSc in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology) (2021)

-National Science and Technology Fellowship (2020)

-Runner Up (Team Biomarker) SSA Inter University Biology Olympiad (2019)


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